Computer Science (CSC) Courses
Some special topics courses listed below may have individual offerings that will apply to distribution requirements. See the Curriculum Outline section of this Bulletin for more information.
CSC-101 Intro to Computer Science
An introduction to the field of computer science:
the study of algorithmic processes and the
machines that implement them. Students will study
the history of computing as well as ethical issues
raised by computing and automation. Students will
study fundamental areas of the discipline,
including basic digital circuits, computer
hardware and architecture, data representation,
issues of computability, and algorithm design and
analysis. Students will also engage in hands-on
activities involving basic digital circuits,
hardware and programming.
Prerequisites: none
Credit: 1
Distribution: Quantitative Literacy
Equated Courses: APCR
CSC-106 Topics in Introduct Comp Sci
A reflective examination of basic ideas in
contemporary computer science. Through
participation and discovery, students will
consider an articulation of computer science that
focuses on procedural units, algorithms, and
abstractions. Topics will vary, but could include
programming in various contexts, history of
computing, etc. This course does not count toward
the major or minor in computer science. This
course will suffice as a pre-requisite for
CSC-111. Topics vary with each scheduled offering.
Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to
Student Planning's section information for
descriptions of individual offerings, and
applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
Distribution: Quantitative Literacy
CSC-111 Intro to Programming
This course provides an introduction to
programming and problem solving in a higher-level,
general-purpose language. Programming topics
include primitive data types, simple data types
such as arrays, program constructs such as
conditionals, loops, and functions, and the
fundamentals of object-oriented programming.
(Note: CSC-111 does not count as a laboratory
Prerequisites: CSC-101, CSC-106, or MAT-112; or permission of the
Credit: 1
Distribution: Quantitative Literacy
CSC-171 Special Topics in Comp. Sci.
Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to
Student Planning's section information for
descriptions of individual offerings, and
applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credit: 1
Distribution: Quantitative Literacy
CSC-187 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-188 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-211 Intro to Data Structures
This course studies structured ways of storing and
organizing data and algorithms designed for these
structures. Attention is given to both theory and
practical implementation of data structures and
algorithms. Analytical techniques will be
developed to study algorithm complexity,
comparisons between iterative and recursive
algorithms, and theory for searching, sorting, and
traversing data. Computational studies will
provide practical validation of analytical results
and will develop an intuition for understanding
tradeoffs between competing methods. Data
structures covered include lists, stacks, queues,
trees, hash tables, graphs, and related data
Prerequisites: CSC-111 with a minimum grade of C-.
Credit: 1
CSC-235 Stochastic Simulation
Interesting real world phenomena often involve
randomness at some level, and this course
develops mathematical and computational tools for
studying these systems. In particular, students
will study and implement computer simulation
models of continuous and discrete stochastic
processes with potential applications in physics,
economics, epidemiology, networks, sports,
elections, and industrial engineering. Specific
topics for study include: basic probability
models, pseudo-random number generation, queueing
models, discrete event simulations, Poisson
processes, random walks, Markov chains, Monte
Carlo methods, and statistical analysis of
simulated data.
Prerequisites: MAT-112 and CSC-111
Credit: 1
CSC-241 Introduction to Machine Organization
This course studies the various levels at which a
computer can be studied, both in hardware and
software. These levels include transistor level
digital circuits, higher-level architectural
circuits, and the hierarchy of machine code,
assembly code, and high-level programming
languages. Students will comparatively study
different modern and historical computer
architectures, including examples of both RISC and
CISC architectures. Students will become
proficient in programming in a modern assembly
language (e.g. ARM64 or x86-64). This course is
offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisites: CSC-111 with a minimum grade of C-
Credit: 1
Distribution: Quantitative Literacy
Equated Courses: CSC-311
CSC-242 Theory of Programming Languages
A study of the paradigms of programming languages,
including procedural languages such as Pascal or
'C', object-oriented languages such as C++ or
Smalltalk, functional languages such as ML or
Scheme, logic-oriented languages such as Prolog,
and concurrency such as in Ada. Consideration of
how concepts are implemented, such as modules,
parameter passing, function evaluation, data types
and type checking, memory management, exception
handling, and threads. This course is offered in
the spring semester.
Prerequisites: CSC-111
Credit: 1
Equated Courses: CSC-321
CSC-243 Algorithm Design and Analysis
This course studies how algorithms are designed,
analyzed, implemented and proven to work
correctly. Common algorithmic design paradigms
will be examined -- divide and conquer, dynamic
programming, greedy, as well as the strategy of
reducing from one type of problem to another.
Standard techniques for studying algorithmic
efficiency will be utilized throughout the course,
including asymptotic analysis and recurrence
relations. Additional specialized topics may be
surveyed such as graph algorithms, linear
programming, parallel algorithms, approximation
algorithms, randomized algorithms, computational
geometry and lower bound analysis. This course is
offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisites: Take MAT-111 or equivalent., Take CSC-211.
Corequisites: Take either MAT-108 or MAT-219. MAT-108 must be taken
previously; MAT-219 can be taken either previously or
Credit: 1
Equated Courses: CSC-331
CSC-244 Theory of Computing
How do we know if a problem is computationally
hard to solve? In this course, computational
problems will be studied as formal languages and
classified according to their solvability under
various theoretical computation models and
resource constraints. The models to be studied
will include finite-state automata, pushdown
automata, linear-bounded automata and Turing
Machines. Alternative characterizations of these
models will also be examined, such as those of
grammars, circuits, restricted programming
languages and Kleene-Godel-Herbrand functions.
Complexity classes (e.g., L, P, NP, Co-NP and
PSPACE) will be introduced to study time and space
constraints, along with the notions of complete
problems, efficient reductions and hierarchy
theorems. Along the way, many difficult open
problems that continue to vex theoretical computer
scientists will be explored, such as the infamous
P versus NP problem. This course is offered in the
fall semester.
Prerequisites: CSC-111 with a minimum grade of C-; CSC-243 with a minimum
grade of C-; either MAT-108 or MAT-219 with a minimum grade
of C-.
Credit: 1
Equated Courses: CSC-341
CSC-271 Special Topics in Computer Science
Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to
Student Planning's section information for
descriptions of individual offerings, and
applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: CSC-111 or permission of the instructor
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-287 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-288 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-337 Numerical Analysis
Advanced-This course will address topics such as
numerical solution of non-linear equations in one
variable, interpolation, approximation,
differentiation, integration, difference
equations, differential equations and their
applications, boundary value problems, linear
systems, matrices, and optimization. This course
is offered in the fall semester of even-numbered
Prerequisites: CSC-111 and MAT-223
Credit: 1
CSC-338 Topics in Computational Math
An advanced course to develop mathematical and
computational techniques in areas of mathematics
or interdisciplinary study in which computation
plays a central and essential role. Topics vary
by semester but may include computational
geometry, computer algebra, scientific computing,
and symbolic computation. Refer to the Course
Descriptions document on the Registrar's webpage
for topics and descriptions of current offerings.
This course is typically
offered in the fall semesters of odd-numbered
Prerequisites: CSC-111 and MAT-112
Credit: 1
CSC-361 Database System Design
Database management is a central component of a
modern computing environment. This course
introduces the fundamental concepts of database
design and database languages. Topics include
relational databases, SQL, formal relational query
languages, the E-R model, relational database
design, storage and file structures, indexing and
hashing, query processing, transactions, and data
warehousing and mining.
Prerequisites: Take CSC-211 with a minimum grade of C-
Credit: 1
CSC-362 Operating Systems
At age 21, Linus Torvalds had created his own
operating system. Do you want to follow in his
footsteps? This course explores the design and
implementation of computer operating systems.
Topics may include historical aspects of operating
systems development, systems programming, process
scheduling, synchronization of concurrent
processes, virtual machines, memory management and
virtual memory, I/O and file systems, system
security, OS/architecture interaction, and
distributed operating systems. This course will
involve working on projects with large amounts of
code written in the C programming language.
Prerequisites: CSC-211 with a minimum grade of C-; CSC-241 with a minimum
grade of C-
Credit: 1
CSC-363 Compiler Design
This course explores principles and practices used
for designing and implementing compilers and
interpreters. Students will build a compiler for a
programming language designed for the course. The
major stages of compilation will be studied
in-depth -- lexical analysis, syntax analysis,
semantic analysis, and code generation. Additional
topics such as advanced parsing techniques and
specific compiler-construction tools may be
covered at the instructor's discretion.
Prerequisites: Take CSC-211 with a minimum grade of C-
Credit: 1
CSC-364 Parallel Programming
This course provides an introduction to
high-performance computing through the study of
different ways that a large problem can be divided
into separate tasks which are solved
simultaneously by parallel processing elements.
Topics include the study of different types of
parallel computing, the design and implementation
of parallel algorithms, hardware that supports
parallelism, and analysis of scalability.
Prerequisites: Take CSC-211 with a minimum grade of C-
Credit: 1
CSC-371 Special Topics in Comp. Sci.
Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to
Student Planning's section information for
descriptions of individual offerings, and
applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credit: 1
CSC-387 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-388 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-400 Senior Capstone
This course is a senior capstone course, which all
computer science majors should take in their
senior year. This is a project-based course that
develops skills in individual and team software
development, including reading, documenting,
presenting, and critiquing software systems.
Prerequisites: CSC-211 with a minimum grade of C-
Credit: 1
CSC-487 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
CSC-488 Independent Study
Individual research projects. The manner of study
will be determined by the student in consultation
with the instructor. Students must receive
written approval of their project proposal from a
department Chair before registering for the
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1