Spanish (SPA) Courses

SPA-101 Elementary Spanish I

The student with little or no previous training in Spanish will become grounded in the language and gain some understanding of Hispanic cultures. Upon successful completion of the course students will understand and respond in common conversational situations, read straightforward prose, and write simple but correct Spanish. This course is offered in the fall semester. Successful completion of both SPA-101 and SPA-102 satisfies the World Languages distribution requirement.
Prerequisites: none
Corequisites: Co-Requisite: SPA-101L
Credit: 1

SPA-102 Elementary Spanish II

The student with little or no previous training in Spanish will continue building in the language and gain further understanding of Hispanic cultures. Upon successful completion of the course students will understand and respond in common conversational situations, read straightforward prose, and write simple but correct Spanish. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-101 or SPA-102 placement.
Corequisites: Co-requisite: SPA-102L.
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language

SPA-103 Accelerated Elementary Spanish

This is an accelerated Introduction to Spanish course that reviews the basic grammar elements and vocabulary for students with a limited background in high school Spanish. The course covers in one semester the material presented in SPA-101 and SPA-102. Successful completion of the course satisfies the Wabash language requirement and prepares students to move on to SPA-201.
Prerequisites: none
Corequisites: Co-Requisite: SPA-103L, Requires SPA-103 placement
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language

SPA-176 Special Topics: Lang. Studies

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Corequisites: SPA-176L
Credit: 1

SPA-177 Special Topics

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-187 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-188 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-201 Intermediate Spanish

This course provides a thorough review of the fundamentals of the language. Students will continue their growth via active use of the language in order to develop communication skills: speaking, listening, writing, and cultural awareness. Students will also read Spanish texts that reinforce the study of the language and knowledge of Hispanic cultures. Particular attention will be given to improving self-expression in Spanish beyond the rudimentary level.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-102 or SPA-103, or SPA-201 placement
Corequisites: Co-requisite: SPA-201L
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language

SPA-202 Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures

This course focuses on the active use of Spanish. Its goals are to develop the student's command of Spanish through guided practice in the use of the language and to increase his understanding of Hispanic cultures as reflected in the language and life in the Spanish-speaking world.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-201, or SPA-202 placement
Corequisites: Co-Requisite: SPA-202L
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language

SPA-276 Special Topics: Lang. Studies

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credit: 1

SPA-277 Special Topics: Literature & Culture

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1
Distribution: Literature/Fine Arts

SPA-287 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-288 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-301 Conversation & Composition

This course focuses on the continued development of the student's command of the Spanish language and his understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, with an emphasis on speaking and writing. Students gain competence in writing and speaking and read selections of both Spanish and Spanish American fiction and nonfiction.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-202, or SPA-301 placement
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language, Global Citizenship, Justice, and Diversity

SPA-302 Intro to Literature

This first course in the study of literature examines the workings of literature: style, form, structure, genre, symbolism, allusion, and metaphor. It also includes an introduction to the lexicon of literary criticism and the principles of literary theory. Required for majors.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-301 or SPA-321, or SPA-302 placement.
Credit: 1
Distribution: Literature/Fine Arts

SPA-311 Studies in Spanish Language

Studies in Spanish Language offers advanced study in the Spanish language. Topics may vary and include, but are not limited to, linguistics: phonetics, grammar and syntax, and second language acquisition. Students will develop the analytical tools and language specific to the study of the Spanish language and demonstrate those skills in interpretative essays and class discussion. May be retaken for credit if topic is different from previously taken course. This course counts toward the Language Studies requirement. Refer to the Course Descriptions document on the Registrar's webpage for topics and descriptions of current offerings.
Prerequisites: SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302
Credit: 1
Distribution: Language Studies

SPA-312 Studies in Hispanic Culture

Studies in Hispanic Culture offers advanced study of Spanish and Latin American culture. Topics may vary and include, but are not limited to, film, popular culture and arts, theory of mind, regional and ethnic identities, gender studies, politics and religion. As they consider the connections among different disciplines and cultural contexts, students will develop the analytical tools and language specific to the interpretation of cultural moments and demonstrate those skills in interpretative essays and class discussion. May be retaken for credit if topic is different from previously taken course. Please refer to the Registrar's page for course description.
Prerequisites: SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302, Must have taken SPA-302 previously
Credit: 1
Distribution: Literature/Fine Arts

SPA-313 Studies in Hispanic Literature

Studies in Hispanic Literature offers advanced interdisciplinary study of Spanish and Latin American literary genres, periods, and authors. Topics may vary. Students read and analyze texts to better understand the dialog between literature and historical, political, and social realities, as well as the connections between Hispanic and other literary traditions. Students will develop the analytical tools and language specific to the interpretation of a particular genre and demonstrate those skills in interpretative essays and class discussion. May be retaken for credit if topic is different from previously taken course. Refer to the Course Descriptions document on the Registrar's webpage for topics and descriptions of current offerings.
Prerequisites: SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-314 Special Topics in Spanish

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302, .
Credit: 1

SPA-321 Spanish Conversation & Composition

This course, for native and near-native speakers, focuses on the continued development of the student's command of the Spanish language and his understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, with an emphasis on speaking and writing. Students gain competence in writing and speaking and read selections of both Spanish and Spanish American fiction and nonfiction.
Prerequisites: By Placement only
Credit: 1
Distribution: World Language

SPA-376 Special Topics: Lang. Studies

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credit: 1

SPA-377 Special Topics: Literature & Culture

These courses treat topics in Spanish literature and culture. Conducted in Spanish. Refer to the Course Descriptions document on the Registrar's webpage for topics and descriptions of current offerings.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-387 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-388 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-401 Spanish Senior Seminar

A seminar on genres and writers from Spanish America and/or Spain. Students will engage in an in-depth literary analysis of texts central to Spanish letters, and will produce original interpretive work and/or an original research project.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: SPA-302
Credit: 1

SPA-476 Special Topics: Lang. Studies

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-477 Special Topics: Literature & Culture

Topics vary with each scheduled offering. Refer to Student Planning's section information for descriptions of individual offerings, and applicability to distribution requirements.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-487 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1

SPA-488 Independent Study

Topics in literature, language, or culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Individual research projects. The manner of study will be determined by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must receive written approval of their project proposal from a department Chair before registering for the course.
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 0.5-1