Curriculum Outline

The following outline lists Wabash courses that are applicable to the distribution requirements named below. This outline is current as of the publication of the Academic Bulletin in August 2024, and is subject to change throughout the 2024-25 academic year.

Note that in some cases repeatable special topics course numbers apply to distribution requirements with some offerings, but not others. In such cases, the offerings that will apply are listed below in parentheses next to the course title. Consult the Registrar's Office with any questions about the applicability of any course offering to a requirement. 

A student earning credit in an offering that applies to the Global Citizenship, Justice, and Diversity distribution requirement (listed in III. G. of this outline) may also apply that same credit to one additional distribution requirement, if the offering also applies in another distribution area. In all other instances where an offering applies to multiple distribution areas, a student may apply a single credit to only one distribution requirement. Any offering that applies to a distribution requirement may also be applied as either one requirement of a major or one requirement of a minor.      

I. First-Year Seminars

A. Freshman Tutorial

FRT-101Freshman Tutorial1

B. Freshman Colloquium/Enduring Questions

FRC-101Enduring Questions1

II. Composition and World Languages

A. Composition

ENG-101Composition 11

1 = As directed by the English Department through placement. If not placed into ENG-101 the requirement is waived with zero credits.

B. World Languages

One of the following two-credit sequences: 2
Elementary Chinese I
and Elementary Chinese II
Elementary French I
and Elementary French II
Elementary German I
and Elementary German II
Beginning Greek I
and Beginning Greek II
Beginning Latin I
and Beginning Latin II
Elementary Spanish I
and Elementary Spanish II
OR one of the following courses:
CHI-201Intermediate Chinese I1
CHI-202Intermediate Chinese II1
CHI-301Conversation & Composition1
CHI-311Studies in Chinese Language1
FRE-103Accelerated Elementary French1
FRE-201Intermediate French1
FRE-202French Language and Francophone Cultures1
FRE-301Conversation & Composition1
GER-201Intermediate German1
GER-202German Language & Culture1
GER-301Conversation & Composition1
GRK-201Intermediate Greek I1
GRK-301Advanced Greek Reading: Poetry1
GRK-303Advanced Greek Reading: Homer1
LAT-201Intermediate Latin I1
LAT-301Advanced Latin Reading: Poetry1
LAT-302Advanced Latin Reading: Prose1
SPA-103Accelerated Elementary Spanish1
SPA-201Intermediate Spanish1
SPA-202Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures1
SPA-301Conversation & Composition1
SPA-311Studies in Spanish Language1
SPA-321Spanish Conversation & Composition1

2 = Students whose native language is one other than English may be exempted from this requirement. Students may also fulfill the requirement with satisfactory completion of an exam with written and oral components, administered by the appropriate department. When available, less commonly taught languages listed with ASI or MLL prefixes may also meet this requirement, such as ASI-101 & ASI-102, MLL-101 & MLL-201, ASI-201, MLL-201, etc.

III. Distribution Requirements

A. Language Studies 

One credit from the following list. Note that some of the courses listed are half-credit courses and the requirement is one full credit.
ART-225Topics in Studio (the following topics: Picturing Yourself in Books)0.5-1
EDU-203Adolescent Literacy Development1
EDU/ENG-314Theory and Practice of Peer Tutoring1
ENG-110Intro to Creative Writing1
ENG/HUM/MLL-121Language Variation & Change0.5
ENG/HUM/MLL-122Modern Linguistics0.5
ENG-202Writing With Power and Grace1
ENG-210Special Topics in Creative Writing (the following topics: Writing for Video Games; Writing for the Web; Writing for Serious Games; Picturing Yourself in Books)1
ENG-212Poetry Workshop1
ENG-298Business & Technical Writing1
ENG-302Writing in the Community:Grants/NonProf1
ENG-311Creative Nonfiction Spec Topics Workshop1
ENG-312Poetry Special Topics Workshop1
ENG-313Fiction Special Topics Workshop1
ENG-498Capstone Portfolio0.5
ENG-499Capstone Portfolio0.5
RHE-101Public Speaking1
RHE-140Argumentation & Debate1
RHE-201Reasoning & Advocacy1
RHE-280Deliberation & Democracy1

B. Three course credits in Literature and Fine Arts from at least two departments

Three credits from the following list, from at least two departments. Note that some of the courses listed are half-credit courses and the requirement is one full credit. A maximum of one credit from any music ensembles may be applied to this requirement.
ART-103Greek Art & Archaeology1
ART-104Roman Art & Archaeology1
ART-126Studio Art Fundamentals1
ART-202Art in Film1
ART-140Special Topics in Museum Studies (all topics)1
ART-204Art & Archaeology of Ancient Americas1
ART-209Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Art1
ART-210Topics in Art History (all topics)1
ART-219Special Topics in Film Study (all topics)1
ART-220Digital Filmmaking1
ART-225Topics in Studio (the following topics: Experimental Animation; Experimental Filmmaking; Website Design and Development; Drawing Animation; Advanced Photography; Art and Social Practice; Interactive Art and Inclusivity)0.5-1
ART-226Cinematic Environments: Digital Space1
ART-228Painting: Mixed Media1
ART-311/PHI-220Art Theory and Criticism (the following topic: Aesthetics)0.5-1
ART-312Postmodern Art & Culture0.5-1
ASI-112Studies in Asian Culture (the following topics: Intro to Asian American Studies; East Asian Popular Culture; Japanese Manga and Anime; Chinese Science Fiction; Korean Popular Culture; Martial Arts Film; Premodern China)1
ASI/HUM/REL-196Religion & Literature (the following topics: Old Pond - Frog Jumps In; Religion in Japanese Literature; Religion in Chinese Poetry)0.5
ASI-204Music in East Asian Cultures1
BLS-270Special Topics (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department )1
BLS-300Special Topics in Black Studies (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department )0.5-1
CLA-101Classical Mythology1
CLA-103Greek Art & Archaeology1
CLA-104Roman Art & Archaeology1
CLA-105/HIS-211Ancient Greece1
CLA-106/HIS-212Ancient Rome1
CLA-112Special Topics in Art and Archaeology (all topics)0.5-1
CLA-113/HIS-210Special Topics in Ancient History (all topics)0.5-1
CLA-212Special Topics in Art and Archaeology (all topics)1
CLA-211Special Topics in Literature and Culture (all topics)1
CLA-213Special Topics in Ancient History (all topics)1
CLA-220Classical Rhetoric1
CLA-240Ancient Philosophy1
CLA-400Senior Seminar1
COL-401Important Books1
COL-402Important Books1
ENG-105Intro to Poetry0.5
ENG-106Intro to Short Fiction0.5
ENG-109World Lit in Translation1
ENG-180Special Topics (the following topics: Chinese Science Fiction; Comics and Graphic Novels; War and Literature; Japanese Manga and Anime)1
ENG-196Religion and Literature (the following topics: Origins & Endings; Parents & Siblings)1
ENG-234Medieval & Renaissance Literature1
ENG-235Introduction to Shakespeare1
ENG-237English Literature 1800-19001
ENG-238Intro to English Literature After 19001
ENG-240American Literature After 19001
ENG-241African American Literature1
ENG-270Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (the following topics: African Cinema; Law and Literature; Literature and Masculinity; Social Justice in Modern France; War & Literature)1
ENG-297We Get Lit: Reading Like a Pro1
ENG-310Studies in Literary Genres (the following topics: The Classic Stage; The Revolutionary Stage; The American Stage; Southern Gothic Literature)0.5-1
ENG-330Studies in Special Topics (the following topics: Postcolonial Literature)1
ENG-350Studies in Media (the following topics: Literature & Photography)0.5-1
ENG-370Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (the following topics: Neurodiversity in Literature, Film and TV; Law & Literature)0.5-1
FRE-277Special Topics (the following topics: Language and Literature; Environmental Literature; French Colonial History and Media; Social Justice in Modern France; The Voice in French & Francophone Cinema)0.5-1
FRE-302Intro to Literature1
FRE-377Special Topics (the following topics: Francophone Science Fiction; African Cinema)1
FRE-401Senior Seminar in French (all topics)1
GEN-101Introduction to Gender Studies1
GEN-103Seminars in Theater (when cross-listed with THE-103)0.5-1
GEN-171Special Topics (the following topics: War and Literature)1
GEN-270Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department )0.5-1
GEN-304Studies in Special Topics (the following topics: Postcolonial Literature)1
GER-277Special Topics (all topics)0.5-1
GER-302Intro to Literature1
GER-312Studies in German Culture (all topics)1
GER-313Studies in German Literature (all topics)1
GER-314Studies in German Literature (History of German Literature and Culture)1
GRK-201Intermediate Greek I1
GRK-301Advanced Greek Reading: Poetry1
GRK-302Advanced Greek Reading: Prose1
GRK-303Advanced Greek Reading: Homer1
GRK-400Senior Seminar (all topics)1
HIS-230Topics in Modern Europe (the following topics: War & Literature )0.5-1
HIS-240Topics in American History (the following topics: Rock and Roll and Rap and Race)0.5-1
HSP-270Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department )1
HUM-176Special Topics in Humanities (the following topics: Religion & Film)0.5-1
HUM-277Special Topics: Literature (the following topics: Language and Literature; Environmental Literature)1
LAT-201Intermediate Latin I1
LAT-301Advanced Latin Reading: Poetry1
LAT-302Advanced Latin Reading: Prose1
LAT-303Advanced Latin Reading: Vergil1
LAT-400Senior Seminar1
MUS-101Music in Society: A History1
MUS-102World Music1
MUS-104Topics in Music (the following topics: Music & Social Conflict)0.5-1
MUS-107Basic Theory and Notation1
MUS-153Glee Club0.5
MUS-156Wamidan World Music Ensemble0.5
MUS-201Music Theory I1
MUS-202Instruments & Culture1
MUS-204Topics in Music (the following topics: Music in East Asian Cultures; Music of Christianity; The Beatles; Teaching Jazz Improvisation; Rock and Roll and Rap and Race)0.5-1
MUS-205European Music Before 17501
MUS-206European Music Since 17501
MUS-224Approaches to Music & Culture1
MUS-301Music Theory II1
MUS-302Music Theory III1
PHI-240Ancient Philosophy1
REL/CLA-162His & Lit of the New Testament1
REL-194/HUM-176Religion and Film1
RHE-260Contemp US Public Address1
RHE-262Rhetoric of Sitcoms1
RHE-265Rhetoric, Science, & Public Policy1
RHE-270Special Topics Lit/Fine Arts (all topics)1
RHE-320Classical Rhetoric1
RHE-350Contemp Rhetorical Theory & Criticism1
RHE-360Gender & Communication1
RHE-365Rhetoric of the News Media1
RHE-370Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (all topics)1
SPA-277Special Topics: Literature & Culture (all topics)0.5-1
SPA-302Intro to Literature1
SPA-312Studies in Hispanic Culture (all topics)1
SPA/HSP-313Studies in Hispanic Literature (the following topics: Hispanic Crime Fiction and Film Noir; The Adventures of Don Quijote)1
THE-101Introduction to Theater1
THE-103Seminars in Theater (all topics)0.5-1
THE-104Introduction to Film1
THE-105Introduction to Acting1
THE-201Magic and Manipulation: Prop and Costume1
THE-202Introduction to Scenic Design1
THE-203Costume Design1
THE-204World Cinema1
THE-205Acting for the Camera1
THE-209Scene Study and Dramaturgy1
THE-210Playwriting & Screenwriting1
THE-212The Revolutionary Stage1
THE-215The Classic Stage1
THE-216The Modern Stage1
THE-217The American Stage1
THE-218The Multicultural Stage1
THE-219Special Topics in Theater1

C. Three course credits in Behavioral Science from at least two departments

Three credits from the following list, from at least two departments. Note that some of the courses listed are half-credit courses and the requirement is one full credit.
ECO-101Principles of Economics1
ECO-177Special Topics (all topics)1
ECO-205/HIS-236/PPE-265History of Economic Thought1
ECO-213Topics in Econ History: US (the following topics: The Great Depression)1
ECO-220/PPE-256The Global Economy1
ECO-221Economics of the European Union1
ECO/GHL-224/PPE-264Economic and Political Development1
ECO-231/PPE-251Law & Economics1
ECO-234/PPE-254Environmental Economics1
ECO/GHL/PPE-235Health Economics1
ECO-241Game Theory1
ECO-251Economic Approach With Excel0.5
ECO-253Introduction to Econometrics1
ECO-262Financial Markets and Institutions1
ECO-277Special Topics (all topics)1
ECO-291Intermediate Microeconomic Theory1
ECO-292Intermediate Macroeconomics1
ECO-321International Trade1
ECO-322International Finance1
ECO-333Industrial Organization1
ECO/PPE-358Topics in Political Economy1
ECO-361Corporate Finance1
ECO-362Money and Banking1
ECO-377Special Topics (all topics)0.5-1
EDU-101Intro to Child & Adolescent Development1
EDU/SOC-303Diversity and Multicultural Education1
EDU-310History & Philosophy of Environmental Ed1
GHL-219Special Topics (the following topics: Health & Inequalities)1
HSP-220Int Topics in Comparative Politics (when cross-listed with an approved course from Political Science)0.5-1
HSP-250Topics Latin American History (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department)0.5-1
HSP-277Spec Topic: Latin America Econ (when cross-listed with an approved course from Economics)1
HSP-372Adv Topics in Comparative Politics (when cross-listed with an approved course from Political Science)0.5-1
HSP-374Adv Topics in International Relations (when cross-listed with an approved course from Political Science)1
PPE-200Introduction to PPE1
PPE-265History of Economic Thought1
PPE-330International Political Economy (when cross-listed with an approved course from Political Science)1
PPE-338Topics in Political Science (when cross-listed with an approved course from Political Science)1
PSC-111Intro to Amer Govt & Politics1
PSC-121Intro to Comparative Politics1
PSC-131Intro to Political Theory1
PSC-141Intro to International Relatns1
PSC/GHL/SOC-201Sociology & Politics of Health1
PSC-210Int Topics in American Politics (all topics)0.5-1
PSC-211Election Polling & Public Opinion1
PSC-212/PPE-234The Poor and Justice1
PSC-213The Courts and Democracy1
PSC-214/BLS-280Politics of the Civil Rights Movement1
PSC-220Int Topics in Comparative Politics (all topics)0.5-1
PSC-230Intermediate Topics in Political Theory (all topics)0.5-1
PSC/GEN/PPE-231The Family, Gender, & Politics1
PSC/GHL/PPE-232Disability and Politics1
PSC/PPE-233Tocqueville and Fraternity1
PSC-240Int Topics in International Relations (all topics)0.5-1
PSC-242American Foreign Policy1
PSC-300Rsrch Mthds & Stats in Political Science1
PSC-310Adv Topics in American Politics (all topics)1
PSC-313/PPE-333Constitutional Law1
PSC-314Topics in Constitutional Law (all topics)1
SOC-277Special Topics (the following topics: Health & Inequalities; Latino Community Engagement)0.5-1
PSC-315Religious Freedom1
PSC-320Adv Topics in Comparative Politics (all topics)0.5-1
PSC-330Adv Topics in Political Theory (all topics)0.5-1
PSC-331Hist of Pol Thought: Ancient & Medieval (the following topics: Justice, Virtue, and Duty)1
PSC-335History of Political Thought (the following topics: The Social Contract)1
PSC/PPE-336American Political Thought1
PSC-340Adv Topics in International Relations (all topics)1
PSY-101Introduction to Psychology1
PSY/GHL-107Health Psychology1
PSY-110Special Topics (all topics)0.5-1
PSY-201Research Methods & Stats I1
PSY-202Research Methods & Stats II1
PSY-210Intermediate Special Topics (all topics)1
PSY-214Psychology and Law1
PSY-223Abnormal Psychology1
PSY-220Child Development1
PSY-232Sensation and Perception1
PSY-233Behavioral Neuroscience1
PSY-235Cognitive Neuropsychology1
PSY/NSC-332Research in Sensation and Perception0.5
REL-298Sociology of Religion1

D. Two course credits in Laboratory Science

Two credits from the list below. The two lab credits may be, but are not required to be, from different departments.
BIO-101Human Biology1
BIO-102Plants & Human Affairs1
BIO-103Environmental Science1
BIO-111General Biology I1
BIO-112General Biology II1
BIO-212Cell Biology1
BIO-313Advanced Ecology1
CHE-101Survey of Chemistry1
CHE-106Survey of Biochemistry1
CHE-111General Chemistry1
CHE-221Organic Chemistry I1
CHE-241Inorganic Chemistry1
DV1-178Special Topics With Lab (the following topics: Forensic Chemistry; Sensors, Computing, & Electronics)1
PHY-109Physics I - Algebra1
PHY-110Physics II - Algebra1
PHY-111Physics I - Calculus1
PHY-112Physics II - Calculus1
PHY-209Intro Thermal Phy & Relativity1
PHY-210Intro Quantum Theory & Apps1

E.  Two course credits in Quantitative Literacy 

Two credits from the list below. Note that some of the courses listed are half-credit courses and the requirement is two full credits.
BIO-111General Biology I1
BIO-212Cell Biology1
CHE-101Survey of Chemistry1
CHE-111General Chemistry1
CHE-241Inorganic Chemistry1
CSC-101Intro to Computer Science1
CSC-106Topics in Introduct Comp Sci (all topics)0.5-1
CSC-111Intro to Programming1
CSC-171Special Topics in Comp. Sci. (all topics)1
CSC-241Introduction to Machine Organization1
DV1-178Special Topics With Lab (the following topics: Forensic Chemistry; Sensors, Computing, & Electronics)1
DV3-252Stats Soc Sciences0.5
ECO-241Game Theory1
ECO-251Economic Approach With Excel0.5
ECO-253Introduction to Econometrics1
EDU-230/BLS-280Special Topics in Education (the following topics: School to Prison Pipeline)0.5-1
EDU-240Educational Policy & Evaluation1
GRK-277Special Topics (the following topics: Euclid’s Elements, Book I)0.5-1
MAT-100Math Modeling and Precalculus1
MAT-106Topics in Contemporary Math (all topics)1
MAT-108Intro to Discrete Structures1
MAT-111Calculus I1
MAT-112Calculus II1
MAT-178Special Topics (all topics)1
MAT-223Linear Algebra1
MAT-225Multivariable Calculus1
PHI-270Elementary Symbolic Logic1
PHY-109Physics I - Algebra1
PHY-110Physics II - Algebra1
PHY-111Physics I - Calculus1
PHY-112Physics II - Calculus1
PHY-209Intro Thermal Phy & Relativity1
PHY-210Intro Quantum Theory & Apps1
PHY-230Thermal and Statistical Physics1
PHY-277Special Topics (the following topics: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos)1
PHY-278/CSC-271Special Topics (the following topics: Quantum Computing)1
PHY-314Electromagnetic Theory1
PHY-315Quantum Mechanics1
PSC-211Election Polling & Public Opinion1
PSC-300Rsrch Mthds & Stats in Political Science1
PSY-201Research Methods & Stats I1
PSY-202Research Methods & Stats II1

F.  Two course credits in History, Philosophy, and Religion

Two credits from the list below. The two credits may be, but are not required to be, from different departments. Note that some courses listed are half-credit courses and the requirement is two full credits.
ASI-260Topics in Asian History (the following topics: Modern China; Bloods: African-American Soldiers in Vietnam)0.5-1
BLS-280Special Topics (when cross-listed with an approved course from another department )0.5-1
CLA-105/HIS-211Ancient Greece1
CLA-106/HIS-212Ancient Rome1
CLA-112Special Topics in Art and Archaeology (all topics)0.5-1
CLA-113/HIS-210Special Topics in Ancient History (all topics)0.5-1
CLA-211Special Topics in Literature and Culture (all topics)1
CLA-212Special Topics in Art and Archaeology1
CLA-213Special Topics in Ancient History (all topics)1
EDU-201Philosophy of Education1
EDU-250Civic Literacy & Democracy1
EDU-310History & Philosophy of Environmental Ed1
EDU-372Colonial & Postcolonial Ed1
GEN-101Introduction to Gender Studies1
HIS-101World History to 15001
HIS-102World Hist Since 15001
HIS-200Topics World Comp History (all topics)0.5-1
HIS-201Big History1
HIS-230Topics in Modern Europe (the following topics: The Beatles; History of Masculinity and Men; War & Literature)0.5-1
HIS-23220th Century Europe1
HIS-236/ECO-205/PPE-265History of Economic Thought1
HIS-240Topics in American History (all topics)0.5-1
HIS-241United States to 18651
HIS-242U.S. History Since 18651
HIS-244African American History1
HIS/HSP-252Peoples & Nations of Latin America1
HIS-260/ASI-112Topics in Asian History (the following topics: East Asian Popular Culture; Modern China)0.5-1
HIS-262Modern China 1911 to Present1
HIS-272Africa Since 18851
HIS-300/GEN-302Adv Topics:World&Comp History (all topics)1
HIS/HSP-330Adv Topics: Modern Europe (all topics)0.5-1
HIS/HSP-340/GEN-324Advanced Topics: American History (all topics)1
HIS-350Advanced Topics Latin America (all topics)0.5-1
PHI-105Intro to Philosophy: Videogames1
PHI-106Intro to Philosophy: Humans & Robots1
PHI-109Introduction to Philosophy (all topics)0.5-1
PHI/GHL-110Philosophical Ethics1
PHI-144Intro to Existentialism1
PHI/PPE/GHL-215Environmental Philosophy1
PHI/PPE-216Philosophy of Gender1
PHI/PPE-217/BLS-280Philosophy of Race1
PHI/PPE-218Philosophy of Commerce1
PHI-240Ancient Philosophy1
PHI-242Foundations of Modern Philosophy1
PHI-269Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology (all topics)0.5-1
PHI-272Philosophy of Science1
PHI-319Seminar in Ethics & Social Phil (the following topics: Decolonial Philosophy)0.5-1
PHI-345Continental Philosophy0.5-1
PHI-349Seminar in the History of Philosophy (all topics)0.5-1
PHI-369Seminar in Metaphysics & Epistemology0.5-1
PHI-449Senior Seminar (all topics)1
PSC-214Politics of the Civil Rights Movement1
REL-103Islam and the Religions of India1
REL-104Religions of China and Japan1
REL-141Hebrew Bible/Old Testament1
REL/CLA-162His & Lit of the New Testament1
REL-171History of Christianity to Reformation1
REL-172Christianity: Reformation to Modern Era1
REL-173Introduction to Theology1
REL-181Religion in America1
REL-194/HUM-176Religion and Film1
REL/ASI/HUM-196Religion & Literature (Old Pond - Frog Jumps In; Religion in Japanese Literature; Religion in Chinese Poetry)0.5-1
REL-210Topics in Islam1
REL-240Topics in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (all topics)1
REL-260Topics in New Test & Early Christianity (all topics)0.5-1
REL-270Theological Ethics1
REL-272Topics in History of Christianity (all topics)0.5-1
REL-273Topics in Theology (the following topics: Mystics)0.5-1
REL-275Topics in Religion & Philosophy (the following topics: Religion and Science; Religion and Cognitive Science; Nonviolence and Social Change)1
REL-280Topics in American Religion (all topics)1
REL-290Topics in Comparative Religion (all topics)0.5-1
REL-295/MUS-204Religion and the Arts (the following topics: Music of Christianity)1
REL-297Anthropology of Religion1
REL-490Sr. Sem: Nature & the Study of Religion1

G. Two course credits in Global Citizenship, Justice, and Diversity (which may also apply to another distribution requirement)

ART-225Topics in Studio (the following topics: Interactive Art & Inclusivity; Picturing Yourself in Books)0.5-1
ASI-112Studies in Asian Culture (the following topics: Premodern China; Korean Popular Culture; Martial Arts Film; Modern Chinese Literature; Asian American Communities)1
BLS-201Introduction to Black Studies1
CLA-112Special Topics in Art and Archaeology (the following topics: Pompeii - Daily Life in a Roman City )0.5-1
CLA-113Special Topics in Ancient History (the following topics: Barbarians & Beyond)0.5-1
ECO-277/PPE-258/GEN-209Special Topics (the following topics: Economics of Race and Gender)1
ECO/PPE-358/HSP-277Topics in Political Economy (the following topics: Growth & Inequality in Latin America)1
EDU-370Special Topics (the following topics: Public Schools & Their Communities)0.5-1
ENG-109World Lit in Translation (the following topics: Modern Chinese Literature)1
ENG-131Extraordinary Bodies1
ENG-210Special Topics in Creative Writing (the following topics: Picturing Yourself in Books)1
ENG-330Studies in Special Topics (the following topics: Postcolonial Literature)1
GEN-101Introduction to Gender Studies1
GHL-177Special Topics (the following topics: Global Health)1
HIS-102World Hist Since 15001
HIS-210Topics in Ancient History (the following topics: Pompeii - Daily Life in a Roman City; Barbarians & Beyond)0.5-1
HIS-240Topics in American History (the following topics: The American Mob)0.5-1
HIS-260Topics in Asian History (the following topics: Asian American Communities)0.5-1
HIS-272Africa Since 18851
HSP-250Topics Latin American History (the following topics: Sports in the Americas; Latino Community Engagement)0.5-1
PHI/PPE-217/BLS-280Philosophy of Race1
PHY-400Senior Seminar0.5
PSC-214Politics of the Civil Rights Movement1
PSY-232Sensation and Perception1
REL-290/BLS-280Topics in Comparative Religion (the following topics: Race & Ethnicity in American Religion)0.5-1
RHE-262Rhetoric of Sitcoms1
RHE-360Gender & Communication1
RHE-370/BLS-280Special Topics: Lit/Fine Arts (the following topics: Rhetoric & Race in the U.S.)0.5-1
SOC-277/HSP-250Special Topics (the following topics: Latino Community Engagement)0.5-1
SPA-301Conversation & Composition1
THE-103Seminars in Theater (the following topics: Stage Movement & Global Performance Traditions)0.5-1
THE-204World Cinema1

IV.  Major

The major consists of no more than nine course credits and may additionally require co-requisite or collateral courses in allied fields. No more than 11 course credits within a department are allowed towards the 34 course credits required for graduation. For every credit a student goes beyond 11 course credits in their major department, they are required to complete another credit towards graduation. For example, if a student has 12 course credits in the department of the major, then he will have to complete 35 course credits for graduation. For majors in world languages and literatures, courses numbered 101 and 102 are not included in the 11 course limit on the major.

V.  Minor

The minor consists of no less than five and up to eight course credits, and may additionally require co-requisite or collateral courses in allied fields.

VI.  Minimum of 34 course credits

At least 18 of the 34 course credits must be earned at Wabash College, and with at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. All course credits earned in approved off-campus study or by Wabash examination will be considered Wabash course credits. Once a student begins studies at Wabash College, no more than a total of 10 course credits will be accepted in transfer. A transfer student beginning studies at Wabash College may transfer 10-16 prior credits earned to Wabash upon initial enrollment, and complete the balance of his course credits at Wabash.    

VII.  Comprehensive Examination

a.  Senior Written Examination

b.  Senior Oral Examination