Honorary Societies
Alpha Psi Omega is a national honorary fraternity for students who work in college theater. The Wabash College chapter, the Scarlet Masque, was established in 1955.
Delta Phi Alpha is a national honorary society for outstanding students of German. Eligibility depends upon the completion of four semesters of German with a grade of B+ or better and evidence of continued interest in the German language and culture. The Gamma Alpha chapter at Wabash was founded in 1947.
Eta Sigma Phi is a national honorary society for classical studies, which recognizes outstanding students of Latin and Ancient Greek and promotes interest in the study of classical antiquity. The Wabash College chapter was established in 1954.
Hovey Honorary Chemical Society was founded during the first annual Wabash Chemistry Week, in 2012. At its core, the society embodies an ongoing Wabash tradition of celebrating the achievements of our outstanding students. Initiates are selected for their superior performance in chemistry and biochemistry courses.
Lambda Pi Eta is the official honor society of the National Communication Association. The Wabash Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta was chartered in 2014. Lambda Pi Eta recognizes, fosters, and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement in the Wabash College Rhetoric Department.
Phi Alpha Theta is the country's largest honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history, whose official mission is "to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians."
Phi Beta Delta is a honor society that recognizes those who serve internationalism - the idea of a world connected, of respect for different traditions, of the need for education to enhance knowledge of the many cultures that are part of a globe that we all must share.
Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honor society. Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa counts among its members 17 U.S. Presidents, 39 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and some 1,500 Wabash men. Our chapter at Wabash was chartered in 1898.
Pi Sigma Alpha is the National Political Science Honor Society. The Wabash College chapter, Phi Kappa, was established in 1997.
Phi Sigma Iota is an honorary society for students interested in classical and modern languages. The Wabash chapter was founded in 1979. Students are initiated into the society based upon excellence and evidence of continued interest in classical or modern language.
Psi Chi is an international honorary society whose mission is to recognize and promote excellence in the science and application of Psychology. A declared major or minor in Psychology, academic excellence in Psychology, and overall academic excellence are required for election to membership.
Sigma Pi Sigma is the national physics honor society that honors outstanding scholarship in physics; encourages interest in physics among all students; promotes an attitude of service among its members toward their fellow students, colleagues, and the public, and provides a fellowship of persons who have excelled in physics.
Sigma Xi Club: The DePauw-Wabash Sigma Xi Club was established in 1944 under the auspices of The Society of Sigma Xi, a national graduate honorary scientific society. Its regular membership is composed of Wabash and DePauw faculty members who are members of the national society. The club may elect to local membership college graduates of the community whose training has been in the field of science, and elect to local student membership a limited number of senior science students of outstanding scholarship.