Prizes and Awards

American Institute of Chemists Foundation: This annual award is presented to a senior chemistry major in recognition of the student’s academic ability, leadership, and professional promise.

D. J. Angus-Scientech Educational Foundation Award: Made by the D. J. Angus-Scientech Educational Foundation in recognition of excellence in science, mathematics, or social sciences, this award is presented to a student who has shown exceptional improvement in academic performance over the last year.

Baldwin Prize in Oratory: The late D. P. Baldwin, L.L.D., gave the College a sum, the interest from which is awarded annually to the three students who “compose and pronounce the best orations.”

James E. Bingham Award: Established by members of the law firm of Bingham Summers Welsh & Spilman, in memory of James E. Bingham, Class of 1911, this award is given each year to one or more distinguished seniors who will enroll in an A.B.A.-accredited law school for the next academic year. The cash award is presented at the Peck Award Banquet each spring with a member of Mr. Bingham’s law firm participating in the selection process.

Borinstein Memorial Outstanding Freshman in Chemistry Award was established by the Chemistry Department in 2017 in memory of Luke Borinstein.  Luke was known for his enthusiasm, generosity, talent, and drive in the pursuit of knowledge that he might use to better his community. This award is given annually to a freshman selected for both his aptitude for chemistry and commitment to the community.

W. N. Brigance Speakers Bureau Award: Established by May and James Ching, Class of 1951, in honor of W. N. Brigance, long-time chairman of the Speech Department and founder of the Speakers Bureau, this prize provides a cash award for the student who has done the most for the Speakers Bureau during his college career.

Edgar C. Britton Memorial Award in Chemistry: This cash award is given annually to a senior chemistry major selected by the Chemistry Department faculty for his promise in graduate study. The award was established in memory of Edgar C. Britton, who attended Wabash as a member of the Class of 1915.

John Maurice Butler Prize for Scholarship and Character: This cash prize, established by Mrs. Alpheus Henry Snow in 1923 in memory of her brother, John Maurice Butler, Class of 1887, is awarded to “the senior having the best standing in scholarship and character.”

Ernest G. Carscallen Prize in Biology: This prize is given in memory of Ernest G. Carscallen ’34, son of Professor and Mrs. George C. Carscallen. The income from the fund is awarded to an outstanding biology major in the senior class.

George E. Carscallen Prize in Mathematics: This prize is given in memory of Professor Carscallen (W1906), who taught mathematics at Wabash from 1924-1956. Income from the fund provides an annual prize to a senior mathematics major selected for his outstanding achievement.

F. Michael Cassel Political Science Award: The Cassel Fund provides awards to political science majors of great promise. Scholarship awards are made to seniors for graduate study in political science. Project awards are made to juniors to promote independent research.

Louis Catuogno, Jr. Piano Prize: Made possible by a gift from Mrs. Edward McLean in memory of her brother, who was chairman of the Department of Piano at Texas Technological University at Lubbock, Texas, this prize is awarded to that student who, in the estimation of the chair of the Music Department at Wabash College, demonstrates ability and appreciation of piano as a medium of musical expression.

Ryan Champion Theater Performance Award: This award is given annually by the Wabash College Theater Department to a student demonstrating excellence in the areas of acting and directing. The award honors the memory of Ryan Champion, a member of the Class of 2007, who died in an automobile accident in 2004. Ryan’s participation in theater production work in the musical 1776, produced in October 2004, set a standard of quality and commitment recipients of this award will be expected to achieve. The endowment for the Ryan Champion Theater Performance award was established through a gift from Mr. Gregg Theobald, Class of 1992, and Ryan’s friends, family, and classmates.

John F. Charles World History Prize: This prize is awarded annually to the senior history major who is considered most outstanding in a field or fields of history other than American. It is presented by the History Department of the College in memory of their friend and colleague, John F. Charles H’52.

Thomas A. Cole Alumni Prize in Biology: In 1998, following the death of Thomas A. Cole, Class of 1958 and long-time Norman E. Treves Professor of Biology at the College, the Eliot Churchill Williams Alumnus Prize was renamed the Thomas A. Cole Alumni Prize in Biology. This prize is in memory of Professor Cole and his encouragement of research by Wabash graduates. The income from this prize will be awarded to a graduate who is involved in further study in the area(s) of biology, environmental science, or medicine.

Community Service Award for Outstanding Work: This award is given annually to the student or students who, in the judgment of the committee, have embodied the spirit of selfless community service to Wabash College, Crawfordsville, and Montgomery County. Its purpose is to highlight and reward humanitarian actions, on a night when Wabash honors it’s finest. The students will receive a plaque with their name and the year won, and $100 will be sent to the charity of their choosing. A large plaque will be maintained in the Dean of the College’s Office.

J. Harry Cotton Prize in Philosophy: Established in 1977 to honor longtime philosophy professor, J. Harry Cotton, who taught at Wabash College from 1947 to 1969.  A fund was generously endowed by alumni of the College, philosophy majors and minors, who took courses from Prof. Cotton. The fund established the J. Harry Cotton Prize, given to the senior who has done the best work in philosophy during the year and who exemplifies the qualities manifested by Cotton himself: humanity and scholarship in the liberal arts tradition.

Joseph Johnston Daniels Awards in Constitutional Law: Established in 1974 by Katherine D. Kane in memory of her father, Joseph Johnston Daniels, Class of 1911, the Daniels Award for the best paper in constitutional law is given to the student whose paper most effectively evaluates the effect of the United States Constitution by a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Fred N. Daugherty Award: Established by the Directors of H-C Industries, this award, is given (at least once every four years) to a student from Montgomery County who has shown significant intellectual and social growth and achievement as a result of the Wabash experience.

Randolph H. Deer Prize for Outstanding and Continued Work in Art: Made possible by a gift from Randolph H. Deer, an Indiana native and lifelong supporter of the arts, the prize is set up to reward and encourage art majors for exceptional work during their freshman and sophomore years. The recipients are selected by the Art Department faculty based on their achievements in the art department. The prize will be awarded in two installments: half before the junior year, and renewable before the senior year.

Education Studies Scholar Award: The Education Studies Scholar Award honors the outstanding graduating senior or seniors in the Education Studies minor. It is based upon a combination of achievement across all classes taken in the minor, as well as faculty assessment of students' superior engagement with the content.

Robert S. Edwards Creative Writing Award: A memorial to Robert S. Edwards, Class of 1943, in recognition of his deep faith in the power of language—especially the written word, this cash gift is given annually to that member of the junior or senior class who demonstrates the greatest skill and originality in creative writing in a course offered by the English Department.

Ruth Margaret Farber Award in English: This award is made each year from a fund established by John Farber, Class of 1915, of New York in honor of his mother, whose keen intellect, sound judgment, and generous hospitality made her home in Mills Place a beloved second home for students and faculty. The award goes to that member of the junior class who has shown the most promise as a student of English or American literature.

Walter L. Fertig Prize in English: This award is given annually to a member of the senior class who, in the judgment of the English Department, has accomplished distinguished work in his study of English and American literature. The prize takes the form of a cash award derived from a memorial fund established in 1977 by Mrs. Catharine Fertig, Paul Fertig, Class of 1941, and their families, with monies contributed by the friends of Walter L. Fertig, Class of 1938, long-time Milligan Professor of English Literature and chairman of the English Department.

Distinguished Senior in Financial Economics Award: This award goes to the senior who, in the judgment of the Financial Economics faculty, both achieved a standard of excellence and performed the best in the major. 

Peter J. Frederick Award for Historical Research: This award is given annually for excellence in historical research especially in the senior seminar.

Harold Q. Fuller Prize in Physics: This award is presented annually to the junior physics major who is judged by the Physics Department to be most worthy. The award was established in 1979 by Harold Q Fuller, Class of 1928.

Glee Club Senior Award: This prize is awarded annually to those seniors who have made the most valuable contributions of effort and talent to the Glee Club while at Wabash. Selection is made by the active membership of the Glee Club.

David B. Greene Award for Distinguished Work in Art History: This award was established by Professor Greg Huebner H’77 to honor Dr. Greene, distinguished professor of religion and music, Music Department chair, Humanities Division chair, and longtime friend and mentor from 1966-1988. Dr. Greene made tremendous contributions to all the fine arts programs during his tenure at Wabash College.

American Legion Byron Cox Post 72 Theodore G. Gronert Scholarship Award: The Gronert Scholarship is given annually to a senior who has demonstrated excellence in the study of United States history and government. It is presented by Byron Cox Post No. 72, the American Legion, in memory of Theodore G. Gronert H’59, a long-time professor of history at Wabash College and a former commander of the post.

Nicholas McCarty Harrison Essay Award: This prize is made each year from a fund established in 1944 by Mrs. Nancy E. Harrison in memory of her husband, Nicholas McCarty Harrison, Class of 1895. Income from the fund is to be used for awards to students who submit the best essays in the field of American studies.

The Robert S. Harvey Outstanding Editor Award: This prize is presented annually by the Wabash Board of Publications to the editor or editors, who above others, made the most significant contributions to student journalism at Wabash.

Robert S. Harvey Journalism Awards: These awards are presented annually, on the vote of the Board of Publications, to the chair of the Board of Publications and the editors of the member publications. These awards recognize the fact that the editors, above all others, had to make a sacrifice to make the publications successful. Mr. Harvey ’28 taught English 1941-79, Librarian 1941-42, Acting Dean 1942-44, and Registrar 1946-72. He supervised the college News Bureau, ran the Board of Publications, wrote citations for Alumni Awards of Merit, and became the college archivist.

Lloyd B. and Ione Howell Scholarship Endowment for Chemistry Majors: Established in 1948 by former students of Dr. L. B. Howell (W1909) and his wife, the scholarship is awarded to an upperclassman chemistry major.

Dr. Paul T. Hurt Award for All-Around Freshman Achievement: This award was established by his family in memory Paul T. Hurt, M.D., Class of 1909. The award is in the form of a cash gift to be given in April of each year to a deserving freshman student in recognition of all-around achievement in his first year at Wabash College. Selection of the winner of this award is made by the Dean of Students from among nominations submitted by all living units.

Paul J. Husting Award for Outstanding Work in Art: This cash award is given annually to the art major who, in the judgment of the Art Department, has accomplished distinguished work in art. The award was established in 1983 in memory of Paul Husting, Class of 1937, by his daughters Betsy Husting and Suzanne Husting Hutto and friends of Paul Husting.

Wabash Club of Indianapolis Scholar-Athlete Award: This award is given annually to a Wabash senior who has made a significant contribution to athletics at Wabash and who has achieved a respectable grade point average.

Irwin-Garrard Prize: Established by the Honorable William I. Garrard, Class of 1954, to honor his grandparents, William A. and Grace S. Irwin, and his mother, Doris I. Garrard, the prize provides a cash award to a Wabash College student who has accepted admission to the Indiana University-Bloomington School of Law. The Dean of the College will select the prizewinner each year.

Robert Augustus King Prize in German: Consisting of the income from an endowment given by Mrs. R. A. King, this prize is awarded each year to a student of the graduating class who has an exceptionally fine record in German and who will continue his education after graduation from Wabash. This prize is established to honor the memory of Professor King, who as teacher and registrar served the College from 1881-1919.

Kenneth W. Kloth Design and Technical Theater Award: This award is presented annually to a Wabash student for outstanding achievement in the area of scenic, lighting, costume, prop, and sound design and/or technical theater. This award in memory of Kenneth W. Kloth (1952-1995), Wabash College Scene Designer from 1979-1984, has been endowed by members of the Theater Department staff and Ken Kloth’s family, friends, and former students.

Jack Kudlaty Endowment Fund: This fund was established to honor and to extend Professor Jack Kudlaty’s lifelong commitment to teaching and scholarship in Spanish language and literature. The specific uses of the Kudlaty Endowment Fund shall be: to honor the outstanding senior Spanish major at Wabash College with a prize to be known as the Kudlaty Prize for the Outstanding Senior Spanish Major; to fund the acquisition of books of literature and poetry (or other teaching materials), originally written in Spanish, for the permanent collection of the Lilly Library at Wabash College; and to fund a portion of the salary and expenses of interns from the Institute for International Studies (or similar outside agencies) who come to Wabash College to assist in the teaching of Spanish language courses. Dr. Kudlaty was a member of the Class of 1959.

Jim Leas Outstanding Student-in-Journalism Award: Endowed by the Crawfordsville Journal-Review, the award is a cash prize given to that student who, in the judgment of the Wabash College Board of Publications, best exemplifies those standards of journalistic excellence which Jim Leas demonstrated in his 20 years of sports writing. The name of the recipient will be inscribed on a plaque to be permanently placed in the College gymnasium.

Annie Crim Leavenworth French Prize: This award is presented annually to a student of French who demonstrates exceptional dedication to French language, literature, and culture. Annie Crim Leavenworth was the first woman to hold the rank of Assistant Professor and one of the first French professors at Wabash.  The French Medal, made from a coin from the French Mint, is also presented to the recipient of the Leavenworth Prize.

Erminie C. Leonardis Theater History Award: This award is presented annually to a student who, in the estimation of the Theater Department faculty, has done outstanding work in the study of theater history, dramatic literature or criticism. The award was established in memory of Erminie C. Leonardis (1915-1994) by her cousins, Lucille Gentile and Lucille Fraumeni, and her life-long friend, James Fisher, Wabash College Professor of Theater.

George A. Lipsky Memorial Award: This prize is designed to recognize that student who most closely represents the characteristics of excellence that were possessed by George A. Lipsky, chair of the Political Science Department from 1967-1971. The award will be predicated on the student’s breadth of learning, not merely in the field of political science, but in the disciplines within the liberal arts curriculum as well; the student’s commitment to humane and civilized values; and the student’s ability to analyze and evaluate contemporary social issues.

George D. Lovell Award: The Lovell Award is presented annually to a junior or senior who has exhibited significant academic achievement in social studies. This award is provided by income from a fund established in 1986 by family, friends, colleagues, and former students of Dr. Lovell, long-time chairman of Division III, chairman of the Psychology Department, and Beesley Distinguished Professor. The recipient is chosen by the Chair of Division III and the Dean of Students.

George Lewes Mackintosh Memorial Fund: Established by the late James Putnam Goodrich in memory of the sixth president of the College, the fund provides scholarships to six graduating seniors each year, without regard to need, who will be going on to graduate or professional schools. The recipients of the scholarships are designated as Mackintosh Fellows. Selection is made by a committee of the College upon departmental recommendations.

David E. Maharry Prize in Computer Science: The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science annually awards the David E. Maharry Prize in Computer Science to a senior computer science major in recognition of his outstanding achievements during his years at Wabash.  The prize is given in honor of Professor David Maharry, who taught at Wabash from 1979 to 2010.  The awardee will receive a cash prize and a copy of the classic three volume series “The Art of Computer Programming,” by Donald Knuth.   He will also have his name engraved on a plaque displayed in the Goodrich Hall commons room.

Malcolm X Institute Service Award is presented to the outstanding senior who has demonstrated commitment and support of MXIBS programs.  In summary, he has been engaged since day one of his membership and has gone above and beyond to ensure the success of the MXIBS.

McLain Prize in Classics: Endowed in 1965 by a gift from an anonymous friend of the College and of the Classics, the prize provides an annual cash award to the member of the senior class whose achievement in Greek and Latin or in the Classics has been the most distinguished. The prize honors the memory of Henry Zwingli McLain, a professor of Greek and Secretary of the Faculty, 1874-1907.

Caleb Mills Award in Education Studies: Honoring the memory of the founder of the public school system, Caleb Mills, the prize is awarded annually to a member of the graduating class with a minor in Education Studies, whose achievement in the minor and contribution to the department have been the most distinguished. The recipient demonstrates a commitment to service in public education and/or policy.

John N. Mills Prize in Religion: In honor of her husband, John N. Mills, Class of 1878, Mrs. Mabel M. Mills established a fund, the income from which is to be awarded to the three students of the junior class who rank highest in an examination of the English Bible. The awards are given to those who have done excellent work in religion courses, including courses on the Bible, in the Department of Religion.

John N. Mills Fellowship in Religion: This award is to be used for graduate study, and made to a senior who has done excellent work in the Religion Department.

R. Robert Mitchum Glee Club Leadership Award: This annual award is presented to a member of the Glee Club who, in the judgment of the Director, demonstrates leadership qualities in the efforts of the Glee Club. The award is derived from the R. Robert Mitchum Glee Club Endowment established by former Glee Club members to remember his great contributions to the Wabash Glee Club. Robert Mitchum H’59 served as Director of the Glee Club for 22 years starting in 1947.

Joseph O’Rourke, Jr. Prize in Rhetoric: The Joseph O’Rourke, Jr. Prize in Rhetoric recognizes the best senior project as determined by the faculty of the Rhetoric Department. The senior project program was initiated by Professor O’Rourke in the 1970s, and the prize, funded by members of the O’Rourke family and friends, honors this program and other contributions by Professor O’Rourke to teaching and learning during his 37 years of service to Wabash College.

Patterson-Goldberger Freshman Journalism Award: This award was established by Professor of English Thomas P. Campbell and his family, and is presented to the member of the freshman class who, in the opinion of the Board of Publications, has contributed most significantly to journalism in his first year at Wabash College. The prize honors Thomas McDonald Patterson, 1865, who owned Denver’s Rocky Mountain News, and Alexander Goldberger, 1925, who as chairman of the Board of Publications while a student at Wabash established the College as a member of Pi Delta Epsilon national journalism society.

David W. Peck Medal: The Peck Medal is awarded each year by the President of the College to a Wabash senior and to a practicing attorney to recognize “promise or eminence in the law.” The Peck Medal is made possible by a gift of John P. Collett in recognition of Mr. Peck’s distinguished career as lawyer and judge. Mr. Peck was a member of the Class of 1922.

Robert O. Petty Prize in Nature Writing: Established by Dr. W. Franklin Harris (Class of 1964) in memory of Dr. Petty, Professor of Biology at Wabash from 1959-1990, is given annually to encourage and recognize student writing that draws on the fertile boundary of the sciences and the humanities. An ecologist, as well as a poet and nature writer, Professor Petty held that “only at the margins of knowledge can we discover some essential, critical perspective of the field we labor in, and come to a better definition of what lies at the center. . .” His quest for a truer perception of our place in nature and nature’s place in us was what mattered most.

Phi Beta Kappa Prize: The Phi Beta Kappa Prize was established to encourage original work of high creative and scholarly merit, as distinct from proficiency in normal course work. It is a cash prize given annually by the Wabash chapter of Phi Beta Kappa to that undergraduate who is judged to have produced the most original and meritorious piece of work, whether artistic or analytical. Nominations of student contributions are made by the members of the entire teaching faculty, and the entries are judged by a special committee of the Chapter.

Physics Department Writing Prize: This an award was established by the Physics Department to encourage and reward quality writing in physics. It is given to the physics student who, in the judgment of the Physics Department, has written a paper on original experimental or theoretical work that demonstrates the highest standards of scientific writing. The prize will be a physics book selected by the department, and the student’s name will be added to a plaque displayed in Goodrich Hall.

J. Crawford Polley Prize in Mathematics and Computer Science: Offered annually for meritorious work by a student in mathematical or computer science writing and problem solving, the prize honors J. Crawford Polley H’33, who was professor of mathematics at Wabash from 1929-1966. Work considered for the prize includes short articles and interesting problems with elegant solutions. Entries are judged on their disciplinary content and expository style.

Distinguished Senior in Psychology Award: This prize is given to the senior Psychology major who best represents the department’s ideal for outstanding research, scholarship, and service.

Richard O. Ristine Law Award: Presented each year at the Peck Awards Banquet to one or more individuals in recognition of their contributions to Wabash and the practice of the law, the award is named in honor of a man whose service to both Wabash and the law is inspiring. Ristine graduated from Wabash, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, in 1941. He attended the Columbia University Law School and received his degree in 1943. The recipients of the Richard O. Ristine Law Award shall be honored for a love for the law and a love for Wabash that Richard O. Ristine spent a lifetime upholding.

Benjamin A. Rogge Memorial Award: This award is made to that academically outstanding member of the senior class who best articulates the free-market philosophy and ideals of Ben Rogge H’53. The winner is selected by the Economics Department and the Rogge Memorial Committee.

Class of 1990 Lewis Salter Memorial Award: Established by the Class of 1990, the award is given to that member of the junior class who best exemplifies the characteristics of scholarship, character, leadership, and service Dr. Lewis Salter H’57 embodied as a Wabash faculty member and as Wabash’s 12th president.

Stephen Schmutte Prize: Awarded for the outstanding student paper in economics, the prize shall be presented each year to the student paper which, in the judgment of the department, best reflects the qualities of cogent analysis and clarity of exposition which were the hallmarks of Stephen Schmutte ’66, a dedicated and very effective teacher in the department from 1968 to 2000.

Senior Award of Merit: Awarded annually by the Student Senate in conjunction with the National Association of Wabash Men, the prize is given to the senior who, throughout his years at Wabash College, has demonstrated outstanding achievement in scholarship, service, and extracurricular activities. The award is particularly meaningful in that the entire nominating process and final selection of the recipient are performed solely by Wabash students. The honor is truly a reflection of the beliefs of the recipient’s peers.

N. Ryan Shaw II Award: This award, in the form of a Wabash captain’s chair, is presented annually to the senior chosen by the Political Science Department as the department’s outstanding major. The award is given by Virginia J. Shaw in memory of her husband, a member of the Class of 1953.

Warren Wright Shearer Prize in Economics: The Shearer Prize is presented annually to that student who, by vote of the faculty of the Economics Department, has the best command of economic theory. This prize is established to recognize the contributions made by Warren Wright Shearer ’36 in his long years of service to Wabash College. As an economist and a teacher of economics, he demanded of himself and his students a thorough mastery of the analytical tools of the economist.

Dr. Frank H. Sparks Award for All-Around Student Achievement: The Sparks Award is given annually to a senior “who has done much during the past year to promote the true spirit and purpose of Wabash College.” Selection is made by the Dean of Students and the Dean of the College. Such factors as general attitude, participation in extracurricular activities and athletics, scholarship, and all-around personal achievement are considered.

Dean Stephens Award: A memorial to Dean Stephens, a member of the Wabash College coaching staff who was killed in an airplane accident in October 1958, the award is given annually to that member of the junior class who best reflects the broad intellectual and personal interests, the high moral courage, and the humane concerns of Dean Stephens himself.

Norman E. Treves Science Award: Established by Dr. Norman Treves, Class of 1915, the Treves Award is annually awarded to a member of the senior class concentrating in Division I, selected by the faculty of that division, who has shown the greatest progress academically and as an individual during his junior year.

Underwood Award in Chemistry: This prize is presented annually to the junior student majoring in chemistry who, in the opinion of the department, is most deserving. The cash award was established by Mr. J. E. Underwood, Jr. and Caroline Underwood in memory of their mother and father, Julius E. “Jude” Underwood, Sr., Class of 1911.

Pete Vaughan Outstanding Athlete Award: The Pete Vaughan Award is presented annually by the National Association of Wabash Men to the outstanding athlete of the year. This award recognizes the 30 years of distinguished service that Robert E. (Pete) Vaughan H’54 gave to Wabash College as a coach and athletic director.

Wall Street Journal Award: This award given annually to the senior economics major who has exhibited the best analytical ability in his major field. The recipient is selected by vote of the Economics Department faculty. The award consists of a one-year subscription to the Wall Street Journal plus an appropriate engraved paperweight.

Tom '73 and Anne Walsh Outstanding Senior Award in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: The award is given by the PPE Steering Committee to the outstanding member of the senior class who has majored in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Wedgeworth Lilly Library Research, Scholarship & Creativity Awards: These awards are funded by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wedgeworth ’59. Mr. Wedgeworth, an emeritus member of the Wabash College Board of Trustees (an Active Trustee from 1998 to 2005), served as President of ProLiteracy Worldwide, University Librarian and Professor of Library Administration and Professor of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UI), Dean of the School of Library Service at Columbia University, and the Executive Director of the American Library Association. He was nominated by President Obama to serve on the National Museum and Library Services Board of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.

William Nelson White Scholarship Award: This prize was established in 1998 by Luke White ’34 and W.N. White Farms Inc. to honor the memory of Luke’s father, William Nelson White, a lawyer in Covington, Indiana. The recipient of the scholarship shall be a senior selected by the College on the basis of scholarship, personal integrity, and an understanding of the professional requirements of the practice of law.

Eliot Churchill Williams Fund: This endowed fund was established by family and friends in memory of Professor Williams H’53, who served the College and the Biology Department from 1948-1983. The endowment supports the Eliot Churchill Williams Undergraduate Prize in Biology, awarded to an undergraduate student who is majoring in biology.