Disability Services
Disability Services is the most helpful to students with special needs when students identify their needs before they begin classes. Once the student is on campus, Coordinator Heather Thrush is available to work with them at any point in the academic year. Students vary in their need for consultation and guidance by the coordinator.
Wabash, like all colleges and universities, requires documentation of a disability if a student is to receive accommodation for their disability. The documentation is kept on file in the office of Disability Services and is confidential. It is the decision of the student whether or not to request accommodation, and it is their responsibility to provide acceptable documentation and notify the relevant staff members of their condition and of desire for accommodation(s).
It is extremely helpful for a student's advisor and professors to be aware of their learning differences. Please contact Heather Thrush in the Armory to arrange a meeting and discuss how Disability Services can help you excel at Wabash.